
Best Private Loans for Students

Best Private Loans for Students

I have been having trouble securing funding for my education and I was hoping that you would be able to help me.
Do you offer private loans to students?
What is the minimum of money I need to be making in order to qualify?  
Thank you.


By Magical Credit
Thank you for contacting us,
Magical Credit is a private lender and offers loans to low income earners as long as you receive a minimum income of $600 a month and direct deposit you are able to qualify.
Apply with Magical Credit today at we offer cash loans from $500-$10,000
 Our loans are available for all Canadian residents, to learn more about the available loan options in your province visit: 
If you have any further questions on how our program works, please give our office a call at 1-877-213-2088 and we will be more than happy to speak with you.
Customer Service.
Level 11 (XP: 5600)
Remember to ask about our referral program!
Level 11 (XP: 5600)
Are you a student? Looking for a private loan with the best repayment options? We're here to help! Contact a member of the Magical Credit Team today or Apply online for instant pre-approvals.


30 member reviews
    I thank magic credit for the loan I applied online they were very helpful in approval for the loan it was easier then I ...
    Hart loan place
    Extremely helpful and a good way to build credit :) as long as you pay on time it's a good boost to your score! I had a ...
    By GREG

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